Our NORGIN London Dry Gin
The Northern Coast In A Bottle
Do you know this feeling, when you walk into the endless salt marshes of the North Sea and completely lose yourself in silence? When you can’t hear anything but the wind in the dry grass and the swelling waves on the shore? When the sun shines from the sky and you can taste the salt on your tongue? When the water has already receded so far that you notice all the plants that survive here despite their wet feet? When the harsh elemental force of the sea is perceptible, but the day remains clear and peaceful? This feeling is now available in a bottle.
Our NORGIN – as unique as the salt marshes
Not only its taste, but also its production make our NORGIN so unique. Only the best botanicals make it into our basket and can fully develop their aromas using the Vapour Infusion Method. The Nordic taste is mainly provided by the samphire – a plant that grows on the salt marshes of the Wadden Sea and is flooded hundreds of times a year. And since no flood, no season and no plant is like the other, every bottle of NORGIN is a little surprise with its very own nuances. Since our gin is produced in small batches and hand crafted, it’s not just the taste that’s truly unique.
What does the North Sea taste like?
The North Sea tastes like…
Samphire, juniper, angelica root, violet root, star anise, cardamom and much more.
What else, right?
Here you can find our gin:
You like to disappear behind various gin & spirits shelves? Or would you like to try our NORGIN in a beautiful and relaxed atmosphere? Then we have many addresses for shops (S), sales (V), restaurants (G) and concept stores (CS) for you, which are definitely worth a visit!
– Butjadinger Teekontor, Langwarden (S)
– Hof Iggewarden (S)
– Kastanienhof Nordseeferien, Mitteldeich (G/S)
– Markant Markt Thieling, Tossens (S)
– Tourism Service Butjadingen: Burhave/Tossens (S)
– Edeka Görge Mascherode (S)
– Vino Weinloft (S)
– Tabak Jacobs (S)
– Butjadinger Tor (G)
– Hotel am Markt (G)
– Schärfdienst & Kochkultur (S)
– Buddel Jungs (S)
– Violas’ (S)
– Weinhaus Duddeck (S)
– Die Weingenießer (S)
– Noir-Bar & Souterrain (G)
– InTraGer (S)
– Hotel Bootshaus (G)
– Kochschule Kombüse (G)
– Lemon Lounge (G)
– Lestra Kaufhaus (S)
– Weinhandel Julius Kalbhenn (S)
– Bier-Harlos e.K. (V)
– Edeka Center Streubel (S)
– Fiedlers Fischmarkt (S)
– Hein! Dein Norden (S)
– Lorenzen Weine und Spirituosen (S)
– Getränke-Paradies Wolf (S)
– Graeff Getränke KG (S)
– Edeka Volker Klein Handels GmbH (S)
– Weinhandlung Bremer (S)
– Spirit of Scotland (S)
– Schwechower Obstbrennerei (S)
Bergisch Gladbach:
– Bottlebörse (S)
– Gelbe Liebe (S)
– King Georg – Club & Bar (G)
– Rohlmann GmbH (S)
Nordsachsen (LK):
– feinBrand Taucha, Taucha (S)
– Stilwerkstatt (CS)
– Weinstall Jensen (S)
– Jörgen Petersen & Sohn KG (S/V)
St. Peter-Ording:
–Tide 13°11 (CS)
– American Bistro (G)
– Different Fashion (CS)
– Dorfladen, Kampen (S)
– Getränke Möller, Tinnum (S/V)
– Gosch, Westerland (G)
– Heiliger Weinfachhandel, Tinnum (S/V)
– Rotes Kliff, Keitum (G)
– Schneckenhaus Sylt, Westerland (G)
– Sylter Fässchen, Westerland (S)
– Söl’ring Hof, Rantum (G)
– Landschapscamping De Heerlijkheid van Wolphaartsdijk (S)
– Zeeuws Zilt Zeekraal, Wolphaartsdijk (S)
– Veni-Vidi-Vici 3700 GmbH, Spiez (S):
Markus Schneider
Dianaweg 7, 3700 Spiez
Tel.: +41 79 354 70 60
Our recipes for perfect NORGIN moments
North Sea to suit your taste
- 2 oz NORGIN
- approx. 4-6 oz Tonic Water of your choice
- Ice cubes
- garnish with fresh samphire
You decide!
We don’t know what your perfect NORGIN moment looks like – quite experimental, rather classic or even floral? Since preferences are different, we would like to suggest 4 Tonic Water, which harmonize perfectly with our NORGIN in their own way:
For example, there is the classic Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water, which gives our NORGIN plenty of space with its refreshing citrus note. On the other hand, there is the floral Goldberg Japanese Yuzu Tonic Water, which emphasizes the tart and spicy character of our North Sea original perfectly. Classic but refreshing is also the taste experience with the Luscombe Devon Tonic Water, which adds only a touch of citrus to our NORGIN. If you like experimenting and a Gin Tonic with character, we recommend the Weisswange Maritime Tonic Water. With fine seaweed notes and sea salt, this extraordinary tonic water offers a great deal of sea feeling, turning your NORGIN tonic into a true North Sea getaway.
Classic, floral, refreshing, experimental – what is your perfect NORGIN moment?
Orange & Almond Tonic
- 5 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
- ca. 15 cl Indian Tonic
- Eiswürfel
- Optional: 1/4 Orangenscheibe als Garnish
(Für 4 Becher)
- 1 Flasche Rot- oder Weißwein
- 2-3 Beutel Glühfix
- 2-3 Scheiben Bio Orange
- ca. 16 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
Den Wein mit Glühfix und Orange erhitzen und 5 Minuten ziehen lassen. Anschließend den NORGIN hinzufügen und genießen.
Hot Gin
- 3 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
- 250 ml Rotwein
Für die herbe Variante des Glühgins 250ml Rotwein pro Becher erhitzen, NORGIN zugeben und genießen.
Summer Kiss
- 6 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
- 150 ml Orange Ice Tea
- Eiswürfel
- Optional 1 Orangenscheibe als Garnish
Rezept von: @peter.gml (Instagram)
Orange Punch
- 4 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
- 1 cl Orangensirup
- 6 cl Tonic Water
- 1 cl Orange Ice Tea (Für Farbverlauf langsam über einen Teelöffel gießen)
- 1 Orangenscheibe als Garnish
Rezept von: @peter.gml (Instagram)
Cranberry Punch
- 3 cl NORGIN Orange & Almond
- 1 cl Ingwer Shot
- Rest mit Cranberry Saft auffüllen
Cherry & Mint Tonic
- 4 cl NORGIN Cherry & Mint
- 10-15 cl Indian Tonic oder Mediterranean Tonic
- Eiswürfel
- Einige Minzblätter
- Optional: Ein paar Körner tasmanischen Pfeffer als Garnish
Cherry Berry
- 6 cl NORGIN Cherry & Mint
- 2 cl frischer Limettensaft
- 1 TL Lavendel-Honig
- 2 cl Sauerkirschsaft
- 13 Wacholderbeeren
- 6 cl gefrorener Beerenmix
- Eiswürfel
Rezept von: @gin_drella (Instagram)
Cherry Blossom
- 6 cl NORGIN Cherry & Mint
- 5 frische Kirschen, entkernt und halbiert
- 2 cl frischer Limettensaft
- 1 cl Eckes Edelkirsch Likör
- 5-7 Körner schwarzer Pfeffer
- 2 Limettenscheiben
- 1 Minzzweig
- 10 cl trockenes Tonic Water
- Eiswürfel
Rezept von: @gin_drella (Instagram)
Vanilla Sky
- 6 cl NORGIN Eierlikör
- 3 cl Licor 43
- 2 cl weißer Schokoladensirup
- 2 cl Vanillesirup
- 4 cl Sahne
Rezept von: @Berndhuntemann (Instagram)
NORGIN Snowball
- 5 cl NORGIN Premium Eierlikör
- 2,5 cl frischer Zitronensaft
- 1,5 cl flüssiger Rohrzucker
- Eiswürfel
- Soda Water zum Auffüllen
- Garnish: 1 Zitronenzeste
Rezept von: @derbaertige (Instagram)
- Eiswürfel
- 6 cl NORGIN Premium Eierlikör
- 150 ml Maracujasaft
- Etwas Curacao über einen Teelöffel laufen lassen
Umrühren, um eine intensiv grüne Farbe zu erhalten.
Rezept-Idee von: @thorsten_nissen (Instagram)